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In the Bantu language, "muntu" means "the essence of humanity." It's what the Company seeks to express in its work and to touch in its audiences.


Through its performances, Muntu strives to create an atmosphere of communal participation, encouraging and inspiring audiences and participants to join in the celebration! 


Founded in 1972, The Chicago-based Muntu Dance Theatre performs authentic and progressive interpretations of contemporary and ancient African and African-American dance, music, and folklore. A colorful and dynamic Company, Muntu brings its audiences out of their seats and into the aisles with its unique synthesis of dance, rhythm and song. 


The Company is highly regarded for its innovative repertory, preserving traditional African dance while creating new works that build on African, Caribbean and African-American cultural traditions. We carefully research the cultural and historical significance of the dances and the societies from which they originate. 


Muntu is more than just a performing company. We are also a company of teachers: an essential element to the perpetuation of our art form and its accurate transmittal to our audiences. Muntu's core programs include professional performances both at home and abroad, comprehensive community arts programs, classes for the public and professional training for emerging new young artists. 

We understand that there is merit in all cultures. We seek to appreciate the differences in order to amplify the similarities.

We understand that there is merit in all cultures. We seek to appreciate the differences in order to amplify the similarities.

Our Mission

The mission of Muntu Dance Theatre is to preserve and perpetuate the African aesthetic and its influence on world cultures, through the education and professional presentation of dance, music and folklore. 

Our Mission

Our Vision

Muntu's core programs include professional performances both at home and abroad, comprehensive community arts programs, classes for the public and professional training for emerging new young artists. Our goal is to share these important works with the broadest possible audience.





Our dance and art will always be an authentic and genuine representation of the cultural forms we present.



Our organizational and people management will be sound and responsible to ensure institutional credibility and viability and to maximize individual contribution. Our relationships with audiences, communities, supporters and business partners will be forthright and of the highest integrity.



Our productions, performances, programs, and services will be developed for the collective good of Muntu and the diverse communities we serve.




We will engage in continuous improvement and development to ensure that we provide the highest quality product for our communities and audiences.

We Need Your Support Today!

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