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Arts Education

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ACE (Arts for Community Empowerment)


​In 1993, Muntu officially launched Arts for Community Empowerment (ACE) as its arts education program. ACE was created based on its belief that all children should have opportunities to participate actively in the arts, both in their schools and in their local and greater communities.

Muntu partners with schools, park districts, and other community centers to  provide quality training in dance, music and visual arts. Our programs are available for ages five to fifty.



​Programming includes:

  • Hands-on residencies

  • Workshops 

  • Professional development for teachers and artists

  • Ensemble performances



Muntu’s core ACE programs are its school- and community-based residencies. Residencies provide youth-centered, sequential arts learning experiences for a period of eight to twenty weeks. Each residency includes a culminating presentation by the students for the school and community providing an opportunity for youth to express themselves and receive the recognition of their accomplishments by the larger community.


​​We have several signature programs and workshops, but can customize a program to fit specific needs. Most classes are taught by a dance and music instructor working as a team.  We end each program with an opportunity for participants to share what they have learned with their families and the larger community.

In addition to our distinctive dance and music programs, Muntu conducts simple to complex workshops in Mask Making, Card Making, Paper Quilt Projects and Instrument Making.



Signature Program

United We Drum

Residency designed to engage youth in positive self expression.  Features percussion classes and workshops teaching fundamentals of music that lead to traditional drum instruction.

Contact us for more information on bringing Muntu's ACE Program to your school, church or community organization.



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© 2025 Muntu Dance Theatre.

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